Primary English

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Sigma’s Action English Workbooks

Years 3 to 6


Developing essential literacy skills

Books 1 to 4 of Sigma’s best-selling ‘Action English’ write-on workbook series cover the full range of written language skills needed by primary students. Each workbook develops a part of the New Zealand English curriculum. These write-on titles contain 140 pages of homework or classroom activities, filled with drawings, diagrams and photos. The series is themed with fun super-hero cartoons – primary learners will love them!

Action English books include the following features:
  • English skills instructions boxes
  • 'See and do' worked examples
  • Chapters on: Punctuation, Word classes, Spelling, Language skills, Dictionary skills, Comprehension and Research skills
  • A full set of removable answers
Download a Series Summary Sheet here

[Titles, year groups, curriculum levels, chapters, ISBN numbers, contact phone.]

For Teachers

The Action English series provides a sequential set of write-on workbooks for students in Year 3 through to Year 6 (Year 7-10 titles also available). Each workbook covers the following English curriculum strands : Word Classes, Written Language, Punctuation, Dictionary Skills, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Reading Skills and Research.  Most pages contain instruction boxes and worked examples to help students with independent study, e.g. homework or group work in class.

Sample pages are available on the books page.

For Parents

Each ‘Action English’ write-on workbook features simple instruction boxes with easy examples that illustrate how to do the exercise.  By using the instructions as reminders of the rules and methods of written language, you can now become effective home-teachers. Action English workbooks allow you to do something really positive to assist your child’s learning at home. They’re interesting, absorbing and fun to do with your child. See below to purchase from our series. See the individual book details pages for sample pages and content lists. Sample pages are a great place to start - get your child to view them and if they find them too easy, go to the next book in the sequence.

ACT1 Action English Workbook 1

ISBN 978-1-877567-66-7
Author : Lorraine Davis   ‘Action English 1’ is a write-on student workbook that contains a complete written language programme suitable for most Year 3 students. Eight chapters and 140 pages cover the full range of key literacy skills. 'Action English 1' contains skills building exercises as well as topic instruction, definitions, worked examples, chapter overview pages, chapter tests and a full set of removable answers. This enables most students to work independently of the teacher. Parents can… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25


ACT2 Action English Workbook 2

ISBN 978-1-877567-65-0
Author : Lorraine Davis   ‘Action English 2’ is a write-on student workbook that contains a complete written language programme suitable for most Year 4 students. Eight chapters and 140 pages cover the full range of key literacy skills. 'Action English 2' contains skills building exercises as well as topic instruction, definitions, worked examples, chapter overview pages, chapter tests and a full set of removable answers. This enables most students to work independently of the teacher. Parents can… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25


ACT3 Action English Workbook 3

ISBN 978-1-877567-24-7
Author : Lorraine Davis ‘Action English 3’ is a write-on student workbook that contains a complete written language programme suitable for most Year 5 students. Nine chapters and 140 pages cover the full range of key literacy skills. 'Action English 3' contains skills building exercises as well as topic instruction, definitions, worked examples, chapter overview pages, chapter tests and a full set of removable answers. This enables most students to work independently of the teacher. Parents can also use these… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25


ACT4 Action English Workbook 4

ISBN 978-1-877567-21-6
Author : Lorraine Davis   ‘Action English 4’ is a write-on student workbook that contains a complete written language programme suitable for most Year 6 students. The second edition contains nine chapters and 140 pages and covers the full range of key literacy skills. 'Action English 4' contains skills building exercises as well as topic instruction, definitions, worked examples, 'mind-mapped' chapter overview pages, chapter tests and a full set of removable answers. This enables most students… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25
