Intermediate Maths

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Dragon Maths Workbooks

For Intermediate School - Years 7 and 8


Developing essential numeracy skills from the NZ Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum

DRAGON MATHS workbooks are a best selling series from Sigma Publications, having sold over 400,000 copies to date.  Dragon Maths workbooks 5 and 6 are specifically written for the Intermediate school levels of the New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum. Each write-on workbook contains 144 pages of activities for homework or for the classroom . They can also be used for extension work with more able students in Year 6, due to the sequential nature or our series.

All our write-on DRAGON MATHS workbooks contain:

  • Instruction boxes providing simple directions for the maths on that page; a reminder of classroom teaching
  • Worked examples that show, step by step, the techniques and methods used to solve the maths problems on that page
  • Illustrations, graphs, diagrams and photos, to maintain interest and help link abstract maths to real-life situations
  • A full set of answers, that is easily removable if required
Download a Series Summary Sheet here

[Titles, year groups, curriculum levels, chapters, ISBN numbers, contact phone.]

For Teachers

The DRAGON MATHS series provides a sequential set of write-on maths workbooks. For the intermediate level you should use the last two books in the series, which are aimed at Year 7 maths and Year 8 maths, or you can use the previous books in the series for remedial study.

Each workbook covers the following NZ Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum strands : Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics.  DRAGON MATHS workbooks will give you the confidence that you are delivering material at the correct curriculum level to prepare your class for secondary education and are an effective way to improve maths results in all topics, school-wide.

Samples are available on book pages.


For Parents

Encouraging your child to practise what they have learnt in class is easily facilitated by the fun and cool DRAGON MATHS series workbooks. They look interesting, are easy to carry and since they are write-on, you don’t have to worry about finding or filing messy separate maths worksheets . Year 7 maths and Year 8 maths are critical pre-secondary learning years and the DRAGON MATHS workbooks allow you to do something really positive to assist your child’s learning for very little outlay.

Maths might have changed since your school days, so the page by page instructions are vital to keep you up with how maths is currently taught. These resources will allow you to help your child at home in an effective way. DRAGON MATHS workbooks are interesting, absorbing and fun to do with your child at home.

If your child is struggling with maths, we recommend you buy a book aimed for a lower year level, for instance 'Dragon Maths 4' for Year 7, 'Dragon Maths 5' for Year 8. Sample pages are a great place to start - get your child to view them and if they find them too easy, go to the next book in the sequence.

MDM5 Dragon Maths 5 Workbook

ISBN 978-1-877567-74-2
Author : Wiesje Geldof         ‘Dragon Maths 5’ Third Edition is a 140 page write-on student workbook that contains a full mathematics programme suitable for most Year 7 students. It revises work at mathematics Level 3 and starts work on Level 4.  It guides students through the Multiplicative Stages (stages 6-7) of the Number Framework. This revised edition includes two new chapters devoted to combining strands into challenging problem solving tasks (Number together with Algebra and Geometry… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25


MDM6 Dragon Maths 6 Workbook

ISBN 978-1-877567-78-0
Author : Wiesje Geldof          ‘Dragon Maths 6’ Fourth Edition is a 140 page write-on student workbook that contains a full mathematics programme suitable for most Year 8 students. It gives comprehensive coverage of work at mathematics Level 4. Students are guided through the Advanced Multiplicative / Early Proportional Stage (stage 7) of the Number Framework. This revised edition includes two new chapters devoted to combining strands into challenging problem solving tasks (Number together… Read More

1 - 4: $25.25
5 - 19: $24.25
20+: $21.25
